Delta Epsilon Phi Welcomes New Inductees
2018 German Honor Society Induction Ceremony
On Thursday, May 24, 2018, the German National Honor Society held its annual induction ceremony, welcoming new and excited inductees into the prestigious society. In order to be admitted into the society, students must maintain a 4.0 GPA in German class and a 3.5 GPA overall.
The ceremony was held in the library. After placing all of the certificates on the table and lighting all the candles, Frau Böer and Herr Tibbett started the induction, welcoming parents, new inductees, old members, and faculty. Following the brief welcoming speech, German Honor Society officers delivered a few congratulatory words to the inductees. The students were then prompted to stand and follow along with Herr Tibbett to take the pledge, promising to promote German positively and bring light and friendship into the world. Frau Böer then called each inductee to receive a certificate and officially join Delta Epsilon Phi. Senior members received cords to represent their hard work, dedication, and contributions to the German Honor Society. After the ceremony, attendees enjoyed cake and refreshments.
Congratulations to the new German National Honor Society Inductees:
Louise Bosch
Max Etka
Alexander Goobie
Tyler Green
Zach Harriman
Shelby Harris
Ian Helm
Cameron Hogge
Erin Junkmann
Michelle Kulyk
Abbey Lynch
Jack Maloy
Peter Maloy
AJ Moraski
Samantha Orr
Andrew Parsons
Chase Payne
Quentin Phillips
Lauren Reinfeld
Fozi Shamsiev
Noah Smith
Ellie Snead
Brian Tavenner
Giavanna Valerio
Preston Willet
Congratulations to seniors:
Tori-Anna Hamilton
Kenneth Harbula
Hayden Hicks
Tristin Hutchins
Tyler Schrimpsher