Triumph at James River
Forensic Speech and Debate
On Saturday November 11th, 2017, the Midlothian High Forensics and Debate team participating in the first invitational of the season. Bringing home awards at James River High School Invitational was a daunting task, as Midlothian went against teams from as far away as Blacksburg. Still, the team did not disappoint and brought home many trophies. Forensic officer Courtney Galligher achieved 3rd place in Duo Improvisation with sophomore Quentin Phillips, as well as earning 2nd place in Duo Interpretation with sophomore Nour Goulmamine. Team alum Yusuf Goulmamine returned to James River to judge Original Spoken Word, a new event in which competitors write poetry or prose in the style of slam poetry and perform for up to 10 minutes.
The Forensic Speech & Debate team welcomed new members this year, many of whom placed. Sophomore Eve Ingram rose to the occasion and disputed her way to an astounding 1st place in novice Lincoln-Douglas debate. Impressively enough, the James River Invitational was her first competition.
Overall, the James River Invitational proved a huge success for Midlothian High. The next competition for the Forensic Speech & Debate will take place at Cosby High School on January 20th. Congratulations to the following students who placed:
1st Place
Eve Ingram – Novice Lincoln–Douglas Debate
2nd Place
Courtney Galligher – Duo Interpretation
Nour Goulmamine – Duo Interpretation
Jack Stid – Public Forum Debate
Palmer Ward – Public Forum Debate
Quentin Phillips – Extemporaneous Speaking
3rd Place
Courtney Galligher – Duo Improvisation
Quentin Phillips – Duo Improvisation
Jason Li – Public Forum Debate
Vincent Mangano – Poetry Interpretation
Sai Poluri – Public Forum Debate
4th Place
Anushka Pandya – Duo Interpretation
Avnee Raje – Duo Interpretation