Weekly Wrap Up 2/13 – 2/17
Week of 2/13-2/17
Photo by: Reagan Fortin
News wrap up for the week of 5/1 – 5/5
Monday, February 13
Celebrate Kindness Week! Wear Yellow.
Candy Grams are available for purchase in the Open Commons during lunch.
Seniors invited to join NEHS earlier this winter are now able to pay their dues, the link can be found on the Senior class Canvas page. Cash or check can also be taken to Dr. Starkweather in one of his rooms.
Tuesday, February 14
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Wear Orange in support of Kindness Week.
Fill out the Post Prom survey. Survey can be found and filled out using bit.ly/MidloPostProm
Wednesday, February 15
Wear Grey in support of Kindness Week.
Rho Kappa Induction Ceremony Informational Meeting during MAP. Induction Ceremony on February 22. Contact [email protected] for any questions.
Thursday, February 16
The Scheduling Central Virtual Hub is now live and can be accessed through the Midlothian High School website.
Friday, February 17
Autumn Childress, a Midlo Alumni who is now anchoring on WTVR Richmond, will be visiting Midlo during MAP 4 in the library.

Nalia Nugara, Class of 2023
Nalia Nugara has been on the staff for four years and is the Managing Editor. Outside of school, she enjoys spending time...