Message from Dr. Abel
Midlo Principal’s Message: November 28, 2020
Photo by: Bridget Tracy
Principal’s Message
Greetings, Midlothian Community. This is your principal, Shawn Abel, with an important message about the return of students to virtual learning.
On Monday, November 30th, all Chesterfield County Public Schools (CCPS) students, excluding Level 2 Special Education students who have selected in-person learning, will return to virtual learning. To help provide a consistent learning environment for our students, CCPS will remain virtual until at least the end of the first semester (January 29, 2021).
As we return to virtual learning, we will transition back to our virtual bell schedule. The schedule for Wednesdays has been modified to promote learning and provide our students and teachers with more opportunities to connect. Information related to virtual learning, including the bell schedule and an FAQ doc, have been added to the Virtual Learning page of our Learning Hub. Be sure to check the site for the most up-to date information related to learning at Midlothian High School.
Finding Success: Attendance and Routine
Now more than ever, attendance has visibly been seen as the number one indicator of success. Please help your student to make it to class on time and remain in class and engaged for the entirety of the synchronous period. Consider setting alarms for each period as a friendly reminder to make it to class on time. As always, please be certain to communicate with your student’s teachers if you know they must miss a scheduled class. While our students experienced virtual learning for the first nine-weeks, it’s important to re-establish routines which will help them find success.
- Set up a consistent learning space.
- Keep the learning space free from distractions (including turning off or placing your cell phone out of sight).
- Develop a personal schedule for completing work during asynchronous time.
- Build in ways to take care of themselves, social-emotionally and physically.
Frequently Asked Questions
We recognize many of our families will have similar questions. See responses to some of the most frequently asked questions about virtual learning on our FAQ Document.
Canvas Resources
CCPS Canvas information page: Parent account creation and access, Canvas communication (notifications), Student and Parent Canvas Apps
Parent/Observer help from Canvas (Provides help once you have created your account)
Chromebook Support
If you need a Chromebook or assistance with your Chromebook, please visit our CCPS Chromebook basics site for details and locations. For access to the site click here. Please be sure to revisit this website as the school division will update this site periodically.
Internet Connectivity Issues?
Students who need home internet access and participate in the National School Lunch Program can register for information from Comcast for free internet. Visit to register. Families will need to complete the process with Comcast to receive this service.
Please call the Midlothian HS front office (804-378-2440) if you need internet connectivity support but do not qualify for the National School Lunch program. We will add your name to a need list, assess your situation, and provide the best support available.
In closing…
Whether virtual or in-person, the Midlothian HS faculty and staff always stand ready to support our students. This has been a year of uncharted territory, but we have navigated through it together. We will continue to do so now, and always, as we are a Community of Excellence.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support, and as always…………… Go Midlo!