Senior Exam and Graduation Information
Midlothian High School releases the 2019-2020 final exams information
As the end of the school year appears on the horizon, Midlo seniors begin to look ahead to exams and finals. The requirements for exemption and exam information follow:
Seniors Only Exam Procedures & Information
Students who are too ill to take the exam as scheduled must have a parent contact the school prior to the scheduled exam. Students must get permission from administration to make up a missed exam. Make-up exams must be taken on the scheduled make-up day, unless an alternative is approved by the administrator. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange for the make-up exam.
Seniors may exempt an exam in a class if they meet the following requirements (student handbook p. 18-20):
- The student shall have earned an A or B for the semester in the course in which the exemption is granted and
- The student shall not have been tardy to class more than five (5) times to first period class and three (3) times for block classes, prior to the assigned exam date. 2nd semester absences and tardies will begin on January 6, 2020.
- The student shall not have been absent from class more than five (5) times to first period and three (3) times for all block classes, prior to the assigned exam date. 2nd semester absences and tardies will begin on January 6, 2020.
- Extenuating circumstances may be appealed to the Exam Exemption Appeal Committee. Appeal forms may be picked up beginning May 4, 2020. These forms, along with documentation for all absences, must be turned into the main office by 3:00 pm on May 18, 2020. Senior exam exemptions will be announced by teachers. All odd day exemptions will be announced on 5/21 all even day exemptions will be announced on 5/22.
- Any student who passed the SOL test this year is exempt from the exam in that course. Students may opt to take an exam to improve the grade in the course.
- Seniors who took an AP or IB test may exempt the exam in that class provided they have B or better and meet the above stated attendance requirements (see 2b & 2c). Seniors must take the teacher made final exam if they do not take the AP/IB exam unless a requested waiver was previously approved by the principal. No appeal will be considered after May 18, 2020, at 3:00 pm. Forms will be available beginning May 4, 2020..
Senior Re-take Exam: Only seniors who have a numerical possibility of passing for the year, but who do not attain the necessary exam score to pass, are entitled to one re-exam. Seniors must need to pass the course for graduation to qualify for a re-exam. Eligible seniors must retake their exam prior to 9:00 am on Tuesday, June 2, 2020.
Seniors are required to attend school through May 22, 2020. Seniors only need to attend school May 26 – June 1 to take an exam. Attendance is mandatory for graduation practice at noon on June 2, 2020.
Seniors take the exam during the regularly scheduled class period. Approximately ninety minutes are allocated during the regular bell schedule for senior exams. Any senior needing 110 minutes may remain to complete the exam.