Family Groups Provide Hands-on Healing
Full Circle Group Model
Full Circle Group Model provides support for families suffering from loss. Some of the goals of Full Circle include: strengthening families as a whole through communication between family members, educating those suffering bereavement on coping skills, reducing isolation, and healing trauma through creative expression. Full Circle is a comprehensive grief resource center, providing a safe, nurturing, and caring environment for children, adults, and families to express their grief and their feelings.
The Grief Center offers art-based grief support services to children ages 3-17 and their families who have experienced the death of someone significant to them. These groups meet weekly for 8 weeks. The dates are still to be determined, and will be announced in May. Meetings are held from 6:00 pm-7:30 pm, and are free of charge.
Various Upcoming Programs include…
Perinatal Loss Group: January 14th – March 4th
Suicide Loss Group: February 20th – April 17th
Overdose Loss Group: February 19th – April 9th
These meetings allow for participants to share their stories of loss, explore their feelings, develop coping strategies, strengthen their communication skills, and discover new ways to remember their loved ones. For more information, visit Full Circle’s website.