Bridget Tracy
Dr. Abel delivers weekly school-wide message every Tuesday.
Only 17 school days remain in the 3rd nine-week marking period. Please take a few minutes to review your student’s progress at school. Contact a faculty member if they can provide any additional support or guidance.
Daily Announcements
Click here at any time to view our daily slideshow announcements or our weekly video announcements
Click here to view this week’s video announcements
Club Picture Day
Thursday, February 24, will be club picture day in the main gym. Much like years past, the first 15 minutes of each class period and the entirety of Midlo Morning will be used to get the pictures done.
Attention Parents of Juniors
Counselors have completed scheduling meetings with juniors. You are able to view their course requests in StudentVue. Please reach out to your student’s counselor if you have questions.
The SAT will be offered to ALL juniors, free of charge during the school day on Wednesday, March 23.
Survey Time!
We are asking that parents, students, and teachers complete this survey in order to help all members of the school (students, parents, and school personnel) understand how you feel about your school. The survey address is listed below.
There are no right or wrong answers—this is not a test! We just want to know how you feel. This survey is voluntary, which means you don’t have to take this survey. However, if you choose to, your responses will provide us with important information to help your school become even better.
All of your responses are completely anonymous; we will not ask for your name. Your teachers and family will not see how you filled out your survey. When completing the open-ended statements, do not use any names or make references that will identify you.
Please read each item carefully and mark one choice for each item. Please answer all of the questions, or your answers won’t be recorded. If you don’t want to answer a question or don’t know how to answer a question, you should choose “Not Applicable”. If you need help reading a question, you may ask the person giving the survey or your teacher.
This survey should take you approximately 10 minutes.
Thank you for taking this survey!
Attention Parents of Seniors:
Recognize your senior and show your parent pride by displaying the Class of 2022 sign in your yard!
The Midlothian High School PTSO will be selling Midlothian High School Class of 2022 Graduate yard signs again this year. The cost of each sign is $20.00. Each one sided sign is 18 inches by 24 inches and includes a mounting stake. You can order now through March 18, 2022. This spring sale will not be delivered until April; however, the March deadline is the FINAL DEADLINE FOR THE YEAR. We can only collect fees for this activity online. No checks please. Please contact your school counselor if you are interested in obtaining a sign, but you are experiencing financial challenges at this time.
An email will be sent when the signs are ready for pick up with details on how distribution will happen. Signs are great to display in your yard all year and use in pictures! Our MHS signs are specific to our high school with name, logo and year thereby making a great keepsake. Again, the deadline to order signs is 3/18/2022.
Click here or the link below to place your order.
For Families of Rising 11th and 12th Graders
Are you interested in learning about college course readiness, dual enrollment courses, and opportunities your student has to earn college credit in high school? Rising juniors, seniors, and their families are invited to join us virtually on Thursday, February 24, 2022, 6:30 P.M., as we talk about opportunities students have to participate in rigorous courses and how they can benefit them in their college experience after high school. This will also be an opportunity for your rising junior/senior to hear from a representative from Tyler, becoming BrightPoint Community College, about dual enrollment courses and the partnership we have together. Please click on this link to register for the virtual meeting and to submit any questions; the meeting link will be provided via email the afternoon prior to the event. We look forward to talking with you about preparing for, registering for, and completing dual enrollment coursework.
Families of Current 8th and 9th Graders
Are you interested in learning about college course readiness and opportunities your student has in high school to earn college credit? Rising 9th and 10th graders, along with their families, are invited to learn more about our pathways of rigorous, college-level courses available at each high school that will count for high school graduation and earn college credit simultaneously. This will also be an opportunity for your rising freshman or sophomore to hear from a representative from Tyler, becoming Brightpoint, about the wonderful opportunities that are available. Join us virtually on Wednesday, February 23, at 6:30 P.M., for our Parent & Student Information Night on Preparing for Advanced Courses. Please click on this link to register for the virtual meeting and to submit any questions; the meeting link will be provided after registration.
CCPS Online Registration
Registration for CCPS online summer/school year is OPEN and will CLOSE on April 29.
SCHOOL & SUMMER Application Dates: opened – Tuesday, February 1, 2022, at 9 A.M.
CLOSES – Friday, April 29, 2022 at 5 P.M.
Full Credit (Year) Class: $325 ·
Half Credit (Semester) Class: $165
Application Process
Family completes the application using the link on the CCPSOnline page
Student’s counselor verifies the course request
CCPSOnline notifies the student of acceptance and completes the enrollment
Payment: In May, families will receive a notification via email regarding payment, if required, for the student’s online courses for the 2022 – 2023 school year. Please do not submit any school year payments unless you receive this notification.
The Application Tracker can be used to determine application status as it moves through this process.
From the Career Center:
SAT Prep – Students who have recently taken the PSAT/NMSQT are encouraged to sign up for Official SAT Practice by sending scores to Khan Academy. Prep will be customized to student strengths/weaknesses – once the CollegeBoard and Khan Academy accounts are linked. Learn how to link accounts HERE.
School Day SAT – Wednesday, March 23, 2022. All juniors will take the SAT (free) during the day on 3/23. More information will be shared closer to the scheduled date.
GRASP Advisor Appointments – meet (in-person or virtually) with Cheryl Edlow, Midlothian’s GRASP Advisor, to learn more about how to access sources of college funding, to assist with submission of the FAFSA, and to understand financial aid packaging. Schedule an appointment HERE.
John Tyler Community College Foundation Scholarships – Considering JTCC (soon to be called Brightpoint CC)? Apply before April 15 for scholarship consideration – for new and current students. Awards range from $500 to $4000 for the 2022-23 academic year. Scholarship information and application found HERE.
“Next Steps for Next Fall” – Monday, March 28 @ 9 A.M. in the Library. John Tyler CC (Brightpoint CC) representative Jordan Meadows will visit at 9 A.M. on 3/28 to outline what seniors need to do to apply/enroll for Fall 2022. He will also review the many options available for students interested in transfer/short term training/certificate programs.
Athletic News:
Check out the video announcements (above) to learn of the awesome accomplishments of our winter sports athletes. Robbie Painter captured the class 5 state championship in wrestling. Spring sports are now underway – check out our Ms. Collins twitter page for all the latest news. And fingers crossed the rain stays away.
Black History Month
We are celebrating Black History month with the theme “Celebrating Representation, Identity, and Diversity!” During this time, we will celebrate and recognize the contributions that African Americans have made to our country. Friday’s will be spirit days as we celebrate the culture! We ask that your student wear the colors below on each Friday!
4th (2/ 25) – Black
For all things Black History related, check out the Black History Hub! bit.ly/midloblackhistoryhub
COVID-19 Testing
You can order free in-home COVID-19 test kits from the U.S. Postal Service. There is a limit of one order per residential address; one order includes four individual rapid antigen COVID-19 tests. Fill in this form to order your tests.
To find an in-person testing location, go to the Chesterfield County COVID-19 response website.
Covid Clinics
The Virginia Department of Health has a vaccination clinic planned at Midlothian High School on Saturday, February 26 from 10 A.M. – 3 P.M.
COVID-19 vaccines are available at no cost to the public. Please note, you must register in advance. Click the school name for the full clinic flyer with QR codes for registration, or click on the vaccine you wish to get to go directly to the registration page.
Midlothian High School
Pfizer ages 5-11
Pfizer ages 12+
Moderna ages 18+
Johnson & Johnson ages 18+
Mirror Me Program
The Mirror Me program aims to recruit and retain teachers of varied backgrounds by increasing the number of minority teachers and promoting the importance of the teaching profession. To support this effort, CCPS has partnered with Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) and Virginia State University (VSU) to build pathways for students to pursue higher education in teacher-preparation programs and become teachers in Chesterfield County.
Current CCPS juniors and seniors enrolled in their teacher-prep program are eligible to apply to be part of the Mirror Me program.
All interested students, who meet the eligibility requirements, should complete the Mirror Me application, which can be accessed here. The application asks for applicants’ personal information, school information, transcript and a written statement. Applications can be submitted electronically and are due by 11:59 P.M., Friday, Mar 18, 2022.
College & Career Planning
Start saving and planning for college now!
Each year our College Funding Coach Team partners with Midlothian’s PTSO to teach our free workshop called “Little-Known Secrets of Paying for College”. Parents who have attended our workshop in the past have expressed how useful and invaluable the information we share is, so we’ve always made sure to visit Midlothian each spring.
On Wednesday, March 9th at 6:30 P.M. we will be presenting our workshop in person at Midlothian High School. The workshop will run approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. In order to attend the workshop all you need to do is register using this link!
Student Opportunities
The Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership at UVA is seeking students to apply for the High School Leaders Program. The program will be housed on the campus of UVA from July 9 – July 23. Additional information can be found here!
Check out this unique opportunity presented by the FBI’s Richmond Field Office. Juniors and seniors for the 2022-2023 school year are invited to apply to our Teen Academy to see first-hand the exciting work the FBI does. Students will hear from special agents and intelligence analysts on topics including counterterrorism, cybercrime and civil rights and will participate in hands-on activities with our forensics evidence collection team and bomb techs. Our recruitment team and college interns will be on-site to answer questions about career paths and future employment.
The Teen Academy is a free program that will be held at our office in Richmond on July 26 and 27. The application is available now through March 4 at: https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/richmond/community-outreach.
COVID-19: updates on contact tracing, isolation periods and quarantines #
On Thursday, Feb. 10, in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Health, Chesterfield Health District and Risk Management, updates were shared related to contact tracing, isolation periods and quarantines.
Updated FAQ documents for students and staff can be found on the COVID-19 guidance page.
The CCPS COVID-19 Helpline (804-639-6740) will be available to offer general information to parents who have questions about this guidance. Note: When calling the helpline, the caller will be prompted to leave a message, and someone will return the call during helpline hours in the order in which it is received. Calls will be returned Monday through Friday from 6-8 P.M., and from noon to 4 P.M. on Saturday and Sunday.
Bravo Awards!
Do you know a Midlothian HS graduate who has gone on to achieve greatness or make a significant contribution in some form? If so, then please consider nominating a Midlothian alum to be recognized as a Bravo award winner.
A Bravo award is like the Oscars for Chesterfield County Public Schools, designed to recognize the best of the best among our graduates. Help me to recognize the amazing accomplishments of our graduates and add to the display of Bravo recipient banners along our main hallway by nominating a deserving Midlothian grad for this prestigious award.
We currently have the most Bravo Award recognitions in CCPS and I’m confident we will continue to do so. Click here to submit your nomination.
Online registration via: midlothian.rschoolteams.com is required for each athlete to try out for a sport. In addition to the required forms, each athlete MUST retrieve a tryout card to turn in to the coach on the first day of tryouts signifying they have all necessary paperwork turned in.
Spring Sports begin Feb 21, 2022
Nominate an Outstanding Teacher for an R.E.B. Award
Nominate outstanding #oneCCPS teachers for R.E.B. Awards for Teaching Excellence! The program is accepting nominations through 5 P.M. Feb. 22. About 15 outstanding central Virginia teachers are selected each year to receive amazing grants up to $15,000 to support professional development. Award winners have earned graduate degrees, climbed mountains, traced their ancestors and met peers from around the world — all to reignite their own passion for learning and to pass it on to their students. Eligibility requirements, deadlines and instructions can be found at www.cfrichmond.org/reb.
Course Selection – Counselor Meetings
Individual student scheduling meetings with students will start the week of January 24 and conclude March 11. At that time, counselors will discuss course selections for next year, graduation requirements and post graduation plans.
Attention Seniors!
2021-22 Graduation Ceremony
Mark your calendars for 7 P.M. Monday, May 23, 2022, at the Siegel Center. More information to share as the date nears.
Scholarship Opportunity
Delta Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa is offering a $1,500 scholarship to CCPS graduating seniors who are planning to pursue careers in the education profession. Information and application for the scholarship can be found here.
The criteria and student responsibilities are stated on the first page; the second page is the application. The completed application must be received by donnacrane611@gmail.com no later than Tuesday, March 15, 2022. Any questions may be addressed to Donna Crane, at donnacrane611@gmail.com. The application itself must be completed and submitted electronically.
Please click here (and check back frequently for updates) for updated scholarship information